Friday, June 17, 2011

My (smallish) Love of Television

i tend to not have the patience to watch a whole ton of tv at once, and i don't really like having to stay up late to catch shows, so its a good thing i discovered the internet! *cue choir of weeping angels*. So these would be my top 5 shows at the moment and my history with them.....

#1: Doctor Who

The first time i saw Doctor Who was partway through the first season of the new series (9 or Christopher Ecclestone's doctor), i believe the episode was "Daleks in Manhatten". i wasn't particularly hooked by that episode (i still don't really like it), so that was the last episode i saw until "Amy's Choice" showed up last year with the lovely Matt Smith (11). since then i've caught up on the new series and am proud to say that David Tennant (10) is MY doctor. I have a favourite episode per season but i don't really have an all-time favourite. In chronological order:

Season 1) The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances (kinda one episode)
Season 2) The Girl in the Fireplace
Season 3)Gridlock
I LOVE episodes 7-10 of season 4 but i'd have to pick Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead
Season 5) Vincent and the Doctor
Season 6) so far....The Doctor's Wife

#2) Bones
i've been watching Bones since about season 2 but not seriously until this season. The story goes something like this: being particularly lazy at a friends house one day, we found ourselves without anything to watch on tv. i see a Bones re-run on the guide and tell her to flip to it. "He has great guy hair" my friend announces five minutes in. at this point we decide we MUST buy the seasons and watch from episode 1. One day another of my lady friends hears us talking about an episode we just watched and wants to know what its all about. she invites us over for dinner and we devour half of season 1. She didn't seem all that interested but i lent her season 1 to finish. a couple days later she returns it and i offer her season 2. she refuses. her rebuttel? "oh, i liked it so i went out and bought the first 5 seasons". anywho, i get a few more people interested as does friend #2 and before i know it we have a season 6 finale viewing party consisting of a small crowd. SPOILER: they killed my favourite Squintern; friend #1 told me to suck it up and didn't i realize that B and B hooked up? pffffftt

#3) Mythbusters
not much to say here. C4 goes BOOM, me like C4! and jamie is a walrus....

#4)Criminal Minds
i probably shouldn't watch this one due to the high concentration of stuff that gives me nightmares (i admit to checking the shower curtain when going into the bathroom). But i quite like the brains behind it all. and Reid. and Hotch. and Morgan. i wish i knew Garcia as a real person. i'm slowly catching up through re-runs. We named our bunny Spencer.

#5) The Listener
this is a quirky little canadian show filmed in my hometown Toronto. its about a paramedic that can read minds, so right up my alley. i saw one episode of this on the SPACE channel and i saw the rest online. it was cancelled until a small mob of fans (myself included) tried to get it back for season 2. we succeeded! however the storyline is going in a different direction now than what we ended with in season 1....i'm a little ticked about that small fact. by the way Ennis Esmer is a supporting actor, ya that guy from Wipeout Canada (outrageously funny). The lead actor can also be fairly funny. i may want to marry him.

List is subject to change at any time....

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